Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pride and Prejudice - Analysis

Quote 1 (and narrative voice):  The very first line of Pride and Prejudice “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” reveals a lot about the entire book’s narrative voice.  The ridiculous blanket statement in the first clause highlights the satiric nature of the book.  This quote also comments on the main topics of the book, marriage and money.  It also takes the love out of marriage, a struggle so often found in Pride and Prejudice.  Austen’s satiric style is accomplished through elevated language, and directly quoting characters.  By forcing the annoying qualities of a character upon the reader, the reader becomes annoyed, making the point all the more clear. 
Quote 2:  “’In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.’”  This quote represents Mr. Darcy’s first attempt at shedding his pride.  Unfortunately, the language in this quote makes it clear that the attempt failed.  Each sentence is about Mr. Darcy, with his love as an afterthought.

Meaning: One must truly know, understand, and love their spouse to achieve a happy marriage outside the bounds of societal prejudices and personal prides.
You can see this especially with Lydia.  She married without knowing Wickham, and is doomed to be unhappy, whereas Lizzy shed her pride and prejudices in order to truly know Mr. Darcy and has a happy marriage. The satiric narrative voice highlights the ridiculous prejudices.


  1. What is Austen's message about feminism? Shouldn't we find Lizzy selfish (her family really is on the brink), why don't we? What is she trying to tell us with Lizzy's little fairy tale? Who is she writing for? I think that the narrator is Mr. Bennet, what do you think?

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